Central Asian country: Kazakhstan 2023

My Journey to Central Asian country of Kazakhstan from October 30 to November 7, 2023

Almaty, Kazakhstan

My Journey to Central Asian country of Kazakhstan from October 30 to November 7

Where/Date: Almaty, Kazakhstan October 31

Ministry Details:  

I’d shared my music with the children and their parents at a special sports camp called “All Ability Camp” for handicapped children.  One of my newest missionary friends Paul Fitissov is running a sports ministry “Ministry – 360 in Almaty where he trains athletes for their respective sports competitions and preparations for them with the coaches.  The reactions to my cello praises from these children and their parents were something I believe that one must be present at the time to feel the vibes.  I do not share a common language with most of these children and their parents but somehow my music performance reached a deep part of their hearts and had very positive reactions.  Perhaps they’ve never really had any opportunities to listen to this kind of music but they all showed their emotions, some with cheerful tears on their cheeks.  I do not know when and if I’d get another opportunity to serve them with my music but if I do, I’ll again be honored to serve them.  Memorable experience indeed!   


Where/Date: Almaty, Kazakhstan November 1 and 17

Ministry Details:

A missionary friend of mine took me to a Thanksgiving Lunch where I’ve experienced ministry of unmarried women with children.  Here is a photo with other family friends who may not necessarily be blood-related but sharing the unmarried womens’ ministry.  I did share my music with them to cheer them up.  My missionary married couple friends prepared a lot of food and fruits for all of us.  It was a brief gathering but very blessed fellowship, nonetheless.  On November 17, there was a praise night at “ATTA” church with which I’d shared my music and testimony with young adult friends.


Where/Date: Taraz, Kazakhstan November 3

Ministry Details:

On Friday November 3, we drove 6 hours from Almaty to the small town of Taraz.  I’d shared my praises and a personal testimony at a church worship service.  Before the praise worship, pastor Roman Kim who is a 4th generation Korean Russian and his family offered me a delicious dinner. After the praise worship, we had a fellowship with several local pastors who lead their ministries at this church.  I could not shake off my thoughts of why not just combine all these ministries as one.  I’m sure God has His majestic game plans that we may not be aware of at the moment.  These pastors and their parishioners seemed to have longed for more evenings like this one with more praises.


Where/Date: Taraz, Kazakhstan November 4-5

Ministry Details:

On Saturday November 4, there was a cafe opening worship service in the afternoon where there were some invited guests as well as the parishioners of the Church led by pastor Young Ha.  I’d joined the praising team, singing and playing totally unfamiliar music tunes to me.  It was an unbelievable experience of feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit in the room as I continued to share my personal testimony with the captive audience.  It was a specially designed worship service celebrating the opening of a Cafe where some of the young adults in the neighborhood may gather for short meetings and having organized activities.  On Sunday November 5, there was a Thanksgiving Worship Service during which I’ve again shared my praises and testimony, a biblical journey I’ve been walking the similar ways many of the apostles did years ago.