1.For the safe journey while in transit via Turkey to Kazakhstan.
2.For my ministry for helping missionary 하선달 with his single-mom ministry on Wednesday Nov. 1 in Almaty, Kazakhstan
3.For my cello praise and personal testimony at a 고려인 교회 called, “정동교회” with the senior pastor Natalie Choi who is a 고려인 in Almaty, Kazakhstan on Thursday Nov. 2.
4.Traveling to Taraz, Kazakhstan for the weekend ministry first at a 고려인 church served by pastor Roman Kim who is also a 고려인 on Friday Nov. 3. I’ll share my praise/testimony during a “praise/prayer evening.
5.I’ll be serving with my praises during an opening ceremony worship service for a newly opened “ElimFriends Cafe” for young adults ministry by pastor/Missionary Young Ha on Saturday Nov. 4 in Taraz, Kazakhstan.
6.A mini concert after Sunday Worship service at pastor Young Ha’s church on Sunday Nov. 5 in Taraz, Kazakhstan.
7. I’ll be traveling to Seoul, Korea from Almaty on Tuesday Nov. 7 for my MOM’s proper 수목장 burial worship service on Nov. 11 in 양평, Korea.
8. I’ll travel back to Almaty, Kazakhstan on Nov. 17 for a few days. I need to find ways to get to Osh, Kyrgyzstan to spend some precious ministry time with missionary Astra Seo and her husband JJ Kim. Pls pray for a journey which may not happen because of the difficulty of the travel routes. Osh is 100% Muslim controlled Village that we must go underground for worship. God willing, this trip will happen only by the grace of the Lord!
9.On Monday Nov. 20, I’ll travel back home to the U.S. after 3 full weeks out of home. Pls pray for my family, my wife Claudia at home in New Jersey and our son Aaron in Nashville, Tennessee while I’m away from home for their safely and well beings.